Martyn Whittingham, Ph.D, CGP

Dr. Martyn Whittingham, Ph.D, CGP, is a licensed psychologist in Ohio. He is a Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) and Division 49 (Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy) of the American Psychological Association as well as being a Certified Group Therapist. He is a former President of Division 49 of the American Psychological Association. He currently serves on AGPA’s Science to Service Task Force, APA’s Health Care Financing Advisory Group, the National Health Service (United Kingdom) Advisory Board on Group Training Standards and on the Editorial Board of the International Journal for Group Psychotherapy. Dr. Whittingham is the founder of Focused Brief Group Therapy (FBGT), an integrative interpersonal approach to reducing interpersonal distress in less than eight sessions. He has presented on the topic nationally and internationally, including invited addresses at Stanford University Psychiatry, Peking University Psychiatric Hospital and McClean Hospital, a Harvard University-affiliated institution. The approach is utilized widely across the USA as well as internationally. FBGT has been featured in The Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Group Counseling and Psychotherapy (Neukreg, 2015). The book and video are under contract with APA Press and will be coming out in 2023. Dr. Whittingham has been the recipient of two national awards for group therapy. The first was awarded in 2010 by the Association for Specialists in Group Work, for excellence and innovation in Group Practice. APA’s Society for Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy, a division of the American Psychological Association, also recently named him their 2021 Group Dynamics Teacher of the Year. Dr. Whittingham has authored and co-authored numerous book chapters and journal articles